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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cesarean Recovery on ADVANCE for LPNs


Reviewed by Joanne Coffman, LPN

Cesarean childbirth is major abdominal surgery that Chrissie Gallagher-Mundy, the author of this book, has experienced twice. The book discusses a C-section as a difficult life experience, especially if it was an emergency surgical intervention. In such cases, the mother has no control which may lead to low self-esteem and postpartum depression, according to the book.

Symptoms of postpartum depression to look out for are given, as well as advice on when to seek medical help. If the symptoms are not persistent, the author suggests careful and safe exercise to help relieve mild "baby blues," tension and frustration.

Additionally, the book offers an exercise program to help new mothers heal their muscles gradually regain their pre-pregnancy strength and shape during the first 6 months following a C-section.

Cesarean Recovery on ADVANCE for LPNs

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