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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Online Mindfulness Meditation Therapy for PTSD, Boulder Colorado | Psychology Today


The Mindfulness Approach

Therapeutic Techniques that Work

by Peter Strong, Ph.D.

Peter Strong, Ph.D is a specialist in mindfulness-based psychotherapy, based in Boulder, Colorado. See full bio

Online Mindfulness Meditation Therapy for PTSD, Boulder Colorado

Mindfulness Psychotherapy is an excellent tool for healing PTSD

Published on January 18, 2010

Trauma can arise from any experience that cannot be resolved and integrated and may include violent assault, rape, childhood abuse as well as the experience of natural disasters and, of course the intense traumatic experiences of war. Typically traumas are so foreign to our everyday experiences that the mind has no way to categorize them and integrate them into subconscious memory. Not surprisingly, children are particularly vulnerable to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Whether the trauma occurred during childhood or adulthood, the central issue remains the same, which is that the individual has to complete the resolution and integration of the traumatic memory, and this is why Exposure Therapy of one form or another is a central part of the healing process. As the term suggests, ET involves re-experiencing the trauma in a controlled and safe way until the client can experience the memories and other triggers without becoming emotionally overwhelmed and without becoming reactive. The point of ET is actually NOT to simply re-experience the same painful emotions and memories, but to experience them differently, and this is a very important point to understand…

Online Mindfulness Meditation Therapy for PTSD, Boulder Colorado | Psychology Today

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