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Friday, July 2, 2010

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Announces Innovative International Partnership Focused on Maternal Child Health

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Announces Innovative International Partnership Focused on Maternal Child Health -
Arlene Remick, MPH, released this exciting news about text4baby, a mobile health messaging program from Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies which includes-- among other important health information for pregnant and new moms-- messaging related to maternal mental health and postpartum depression. This historic and groundbreaking program has become the centerpiece of a major international and innovative partnership.

Remick said, “Last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced a partnership between the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition (HMHB) and the Healthy Russia Foundation to launch text4baby internationally. The announcement was made in tandem with the Obama-Medvedev Presidential Summit in Washington, D.C. about our plans to share strategies for success in mobile health with our Russian counterparts.”

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1 comment:

  1. Yeah! It's about time this sort of thing is going on in Washington. I've been waiting a while for this. Thanks for the update. Hey, you should check out my site.
