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Sunday, November 15, 2009

ICAN eNews

In the news

Cesarean Statistics Across England

NHS figures on cesareans performed in England hospitals show a "huge variation" in cesarean rates across the country. According to Brenda Phipps of National Childbirth Trust in England, "they make it financial suicide for a hospital to reduce its caesarean rate." This article includes a summary of data as well as a link to the full data collected. Read Full Article.

U.S. Trails Far Behind Europe In Infant Mortality

Coming in at 30th place in infant mortality, one of the main problems is that 1 in 8 babies born in America are premature.  One reason for the high rate of preterm birth is the number of early inductions and cesareans performed in the United States. Read Full Article.

The data brief on this is available through the National Center for Health Statistics. 

The Rate of Cesareans in Mumbai, India

The rate of cesareans in Mumbai is currently at 25% and some estimate a rate as high as 80% in certain private hospitals. Unscrupulous doctors, the fear of pain, and the concern that natural childbirth could negatively affect a couple's sex life are listed as reasons why women undergo cesareans instead of natural vaginal birth. Read Full Article.

In the research

Cesareans Linked to Lower Self-Esteem in Nigeria

Using a self-esteem scale before discharge and a questionaire during the post-partum period, researchers conclude that cesareans are linked to lowered self-esteem in Nigerian women. Read Full Article.

Oxygen saturation trends in preterm infants during the first 15 min after birth.

This study examines infants less than 35 weeks gestational age to assess their oxygen saturation following birth. The mode of delivery proves significant to the level of oxygen saturation in preterm newborns. Those infants born by cesarean have much lower oxygen saturation levels than vaginally born infants. Read Full Article.

Hippocratic ideal, Faustian bargain and Damocles' sword: erosion of patient autonomy in obstetrics.

Dr. Rybak of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine discusses the decline of VBAC and patient autonomy as obstetrics finds itself in fear of legal backlash. While Dr. Rybak believes that denying VBAC care is defensible in today's legal climate, the author also notes that "the unavailability of VBAC infringes on the autonomy of women." To remedy the problem, Dr. Rybak suggests two solutions. Read Full Article.

From the women of ICAN

Chicago Mom to OB Who Dumped Her: No Cesarean Necessary!

Watch this news report about a Chicago mom whose provider dropped her the day before her due date because she wanted a VBAC. The report mentions ICAN! Watch the video now.

ICAN Calendars are Here!

Filled with photos of those touched by ICAN, the calendar is a beautiful daily reminder of ICAN's mission. Order yours now.

Get active!

Have you been a victim of insurance discrimination?

If you have been a victim of insurance discrimination based on a previous cesarean, ICAN needs your help! Discriminatory practices include: demands for sterilization, restriction on when you can have another pregnancy covered, higher premiums, excessively high deductibles for maternity care, and restriction on the total amount of benefits they will pay. Share your story and make a difference!  Get Active!

Seeking "Failure to Progress" Triumph Stories

Dear women of ICAN, we want to hear YOUR story!
We are looking for women who were diagnosed with "Failure to Progress" (FTP) as a reason for your cesarean, and who subsequently had:

  • A fast birth, contrary to a care provider saying something akin to "your body just will NEVER dilate past X cm"
  • OR had another long labor, going past the time or dilation "stall" of the previous "FTP" but then kept going and had your VBAC, showing that all that was needed was patience for a body that liked to go slow.  

If you have a story that falls into the above categories, please email to the following things:
1) a very short summary of the two births, including any pertinent quotes like:

"doc said my body just wouldn't dilate past a 4..." or

"I gave up because after 24 hours at 5 cm I was told I'd never progress..."  and then the next birth "another 24 hours at 5 cm but then I went from 5 cm to 10 in 20 minutes!"  or similar stories. 

If you did anything DIFFERENT (changed care provider, didn't have dilated checked, hired a doula, read X book, became an ICAN lifetime subscriber, etc) please tell us that too.
2)  TWO pictures from each birth.  It would be great to have one "labor" and one "birth" pic from each.
3)  Your name, contact phone number or email.  We will send you a release form to sign once we receive your submission and we may have some follow-up questions about your story.
Be part of ICAN's next education project... a video all about women who overcame a diagnosis of "Failure to Progress".
Remember to use the email address

Upcoming Events

November Webinar: Homebirth After Cesarean

This month, ICAN is hosting a webinar entitled "Homebirth After Cesarean: What the Research Does and Doesn't Say." Find out what the research really says on Sunday, November 22nd at 3:00 pm EST. This event is free to ICAN subscribers! Read more and register!

Online Support Meeting

This month's online support meeting will discuss Homebirth After Cesarean on Tuesday, November 17th at 10:00 pm EST. This is a free event. Sign up!

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