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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Alive! Mental Health Fair

Kristin Brooks Hope Center - Hopeline
The Alive! Mental Health Fair is the Hope Center's newest program; it was created to provide an interesting educational program aimed at college students to help them learn how to prevent suicide.

Most people do not know that suicide is the second leading cause of death for college students.

The Hope Center created this program in partnership with Postsecret . There is an art therapy exhibit and a hands-on graffiti exhibit where each student is able to create their own art expression on a large canvas which is pre-populated with a theme customized for each campus. We screen A Reason To Live Documentary which depicts young suicidal adults grappling with life and death issues and how crisis interventionists help them. In addition, there is a PostSecret Exhibit, where blank Postsecret cards are sent to each campus in advance of the fair's arrival so that students can create their own PostSecrets which are then put on display at the fair. Lastly, there is a one hour training course in QPR, Question Persuade and Refer, on how to ask a friend or someone you are concerned about if they are suicidal, how to persuade them to get help, where to find that help and take them there. Counselors invited from the host college will be on hand to meet and speak to the students.

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