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Monday, July 5, 2010

Book looks at stress disorder

Book looks at stress disorder | TriCities

“The PTSD Workbook” by Mary Beth Williams and Soili Poijula, 2002, New Harbinger Publications, Inc., $21.95, softbound, 237 pages: Survivors of traumatic events often have a condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. The idea behind this book is to help these survivors do the work of recovery themselves, rather than relying on professionals to help them all the time.
The authors tell us that there are three major kinds of factors which determine the development of PTSD: pre-event factors (including previous exposure to trauma or victimization, lack of social support and genetics); event factors (such as age, the length of the trauma and physical proximity to the event); and post-event factors (like being passive, developing acute stress disorder or being unable to glean meaning from the trauma).

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