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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Utilize Yoga to Help Heal Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


One of the benefits of Yoga practice is that it can aid in toning down maladaptive nervous system arousal which helps in reducing perceived stress. Because of this effect Yoga could be helpful especially in patients suffering from PTSD. One randomized study followed a group of disabled Australian Vietnam veterans who were diagnosed with severe PTSD. A group of patients underwent a five day course which taught them "breathing techniques, yoga asanas, education about stress reduction, and guided meditation" and a control group received no education. By six weeks into the study the group that had received the education on yoga had decreased from moderate to severe PTSD scores to mild to moderate PTSD scores while the control group scores remained the same. Recently the United States Army has committed to spend $4 million dollars in research to find ways to aid veterans suffering from PTSD. This research will including looking into such things as "spiritual ministry, transcendental meditation, [and] Yoga" and "bioenergies such as Qi gong, Reiki, [and] distant healing."

Utilize Yoga to Help Heal Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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